Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The delights of corporate governance

I am a typical professional, turned law student again, traded in my suits for a pair of jeans, my Ecco Business shoes for trainers, my corner office for my large bedroom, now bedroom - slash - office, my corporate lawyers pay-check for increased debt and I have not renewed my estate car for almost 5 years. In turn I have never been happier, I have the undivided attention from my family, all the time in the world for my wonderful son and intellectual stimulation through my PhD studies and research within the area of corporate governance, board structures and outside directors to be more precise. I do however find that I get restless at regular intervals during the day, from sitting and reading learned texts on this subject and focusing on just one task. The multitask corporate environment that I am used to keeps you far more busy and does not leave any time for doodling. This site may therefore be just the thing, to shift my focus a bit and try out some of my ideas and thoughts on the subject at hand, just to see how the look in writing, on a screen and if they make any sense at all. Furthermore to include websites, links or sources of law that I find interesting.

1 comment:

Drug Rehabilitation Facility said...

I've enjoyed much reading your last posts. Keep it that way.